Grand closing concert

Baroque celebration with Bach, Vivaldi, the Czech Ensemble Baroque ensemble, soloists and the excellent countertenor Andreas Scholl. Standing ovations. This was yesterday’s final concert of the festival. Thank you to everyone who spent this year with us. Photo by Petr Francán


Jan Šprta and Johannes Zeinler transferred us to Baroque Protestant Germany yesterday. We thank both of them for the concert due to their quick response and willingness. They replaced Višeslav Jaklin at the organ, who could not come due to illness. The replacement was beautiful! Photo by Petr Francán

Change of cast of Friday’s organ concert Praise

Dear listeners, due to illness, we have to change the cast of Friday’s concert Praise. Organist Višeslav Jaklin cannot come to play. Instead, the concert will be performed by two two excellent organists, Jan Šprta and Johannes Zeinler and the program remains almost unchanged. You know Jan Šprta from our festival, when five years ago he captivated […]


At its world premiere, a composition by Pavel Zemek Novák, Adoration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, performed by Martin Opršál and his college. The premiere without applause, as the author wished, so as not to disturb the atmosphere of the song and its message. Foto Petr Francán

Tenebrae III

Ensemble Versus, under the artistic direction of the festival’s dramaturge Vladimír Maňas, closed the complete cycle of Gesuald’s Responsories yesterday. Thank you to everyone who stayed quietly with us for three evenings. Photo by Jakub Joch

Tenebrae II

Yesterday’s tenebrae by Societas incognitorum were unique again. And we are pleased that Minister of Culture Martin Baxa also visited them. Foto Vojtěch Kába

Tenebrae I

Yesterday’s tenebrae performed by the Czech Ensemble Baroque. The first cycle of the Responsories of Carl Gesualdo da Venosa was performed, the texts of which create an imaginary journey from Christ’s prayer on the Mount of Olives through death on the cross to the laying of his body in the tomb. The evening was closed […]

Meditation for Orchestra

Filharmonie Brno with its chief conductor Dennis Russell Davies and the Linz choir Hard-Chor (Linz). The works of Bruckner and the composition Toivo Tuleva written for the festival. Beautiful last night in the cathedral in Petrov. Foto: Petr Francán

Wonderful opening concert

Church of St. Janů filled to the last place, it was yesterday’s opening concert performed by the ensemble Musica Figuralis. Thank you. Accept the invitation to more concerts and dark watches. Photo: Petr Francán

Meditation for Clarinet

A composition by Atli Heimir Sveinsson, which places extreme demands on the performer, both in detail and as a whole. Although the musical language of this meditation tends to be plain, it also uses the contemporary – sometimes called “extended” – techniques of clarinet playing, and does so functionally and without ostenta – tiousness This […]