Filharmonie Brno with its chief conductor Dennis Russell Davies and the Linz choir Hard-Chor (Linz). The works of Bruckner and the composition Toivo Tuleva written for the festival. Beautiful last night in the cathedral in Petrov.
Foto: Petr Francán
Filharmonie Brno with its chief conductor Dennis Russell Davies and the Linz choir Hard-Chor (Linz). The works of Bruckner and the composition Toivo Tuleva written for the festival. Beautiful last night in the cathedral in Petrov.
Foto: Petr Francán
Tel.: +420 539 092 801
Filharmonie Brno, příspěvková organizace
Komenského náměstí 534/8
602 00 Brno – město
Česká republika
IČ: 00094897
DIČ: CZ00094897